Agreement for Collaboration in Education and Research, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University, Ukraine
It is our pleasure to share about launching a new collaborative framework with Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Ukraine) in the fields of education, research, language training and psychology.
New collaboration is being launched with Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University which is located in Ukraine.
About Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University

Nizhyn Gogol State University (Ukrainian: Ніжинський державний університет ім. Миколи Гоголя) is an academic institution which is located in Nizhyn, Chernihiv Oblast (Ukraine).
It is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the country.
It was originally established as the Nizhyn Lyceum of Prince Bezborodko, though since that time it has changed its name several times.
Currently, the university consists of seven faculties which provide education to about 8,000 students.
They are the faculties of Philology, History and Law, Social and Humanitarian, Foreign Languages, Culture and Arts, Nature and Geography, Physics and Mathematics.
The university provides education at the levels of Bachelor, Master and PhD programs.
The reputation of the university’s educational, research and cultural traditions is acknowledged far beyond the state borders.
Since its foundation, throughout 220 years, the University has trained more than 80,000 graduates including teachers, lawyers, engineers, writers, politicians, and so on.
Many famous scientists and cultural figures are its alumni, among them is Mykola Gogol, a famous Ukrainian writer after whom the University was named in 1939.
The University’s departments maintain close connections with educational and research institutions in other countries including the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Georgia, Greece, China, Sweden, etc.
Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University is an active participant of international projects, programmes (including Erasmus+), and grants.
The university has developed a close cooperation with international agencies like British Council, The United States Agency for International Development, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, Goethe-Institut, etc.
Collaborative Framework with IATELS
It is our honour and pleasure to establish and work on developing collaborative ties with Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University considering its rich historical, educational and methodological background.
With 220 years of experience in shaping educational and cultural traditions, being a centre of research and education, bringing up new generations of scientists, teachers, writers, biologists, engineers and other specialists, the university deserves gaining a worldwide recognition and appreciation for its continuous labour in the fields of education, humanities, language studies and related disciplines.
Being a pearl in the international paradigm of educational inheritance, the university’s historical, educational and methodological background should come into light of attention from international scholars, researchers and related institutions for learning and sharing experiences.
The quality of education provided by the university has been proved by the achievements of its alumni who has already gained a worldwide fame.
Among them are the Ukrainian writers Mykola Gogol, Yevgen Hrebinka, Yuri Zbanatsky, scientists Yefim Karsky, Francišak Bahuševič, Volodymyr Polovets, a big number of political and cultural leaders.
Considering the university’s unprecedented value, this opportunity to develop collaborative ties and contribute to the university’s internationalisation is of special significance for our organisation as well as a sign of trust and appreciation of IATELS’s work from the side of the university’s administration and our mutual belief in a strong positive potential of this collaborative framework.
Our mutual intentions for developing collaboration and providing bilateral support to the activities of our institutions has been confirmed by the letter received from Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Samoilenko, where a strong belief in developing a fruitful collaboration between our organisations was expressed accordingly.

At the preliminary stages of discussing the perspectives of this collaborative framework, a set of goals and necessities has been mutually highlighted.
First of all, it is the contribution of IATELS to enhancing international recognition of the university and boosting the international cooperation of the university’s academia and students with their colleagues and peers in other countries, the universities and institutions which are the partners and members of IATELS.
It was agreed to support programs and activities of the institutions by promoting them in the related networks, encouraging participation of the teaching staff and students of the university in the international conferences and programs of IATELS.
A necessity to enhance the integration of the university and its academicians to the international practices of using new technologies in education and educational organisation was highlighted as well.
While brainstorming on the current needs and challenges experienced by the university, opportunities for international students who are seeking ways for their further professional development were stressed out.
They are, namely, the university’s methodological and educational capacities in training undergraduates, Master and Phd students in the fields of Arts, Music, Literature, Biology, Psychology, English Teaching, Literature, Maths and others.
Together with that, an opportunity to enrich the university’s capacities in language training was discussed as well, mentioning a chance to provide the university’s students and academicians with the courses on the Turkish language and Culture organised by IATELS and STARTINFORUM (Turkey).
Referring to the publishing and organisational capacities of STARTINFORUM (Turkey), the company which sponsors the work of IATELS, possibilities of international publication plans, internships and developmental frameworks for young researchers were suggested for further detailing and implementation accordingly.
Considering a current urge for developing sustainable and effective techniques of psychological help and counselling for the war victims in Ukraine, a possibility of launching mutual programs and projects with the experts of IATELS was brought to the discussion with its further perspectives for development and implementation.
With these first steps in the direction of collaboration and further development, we hope that the good intentions expressed by the leadership of our organisations will be streamlined into a sustainable and long-term framework of partnership, mutual support and creation of more opportunities for both of our organisations as well as all IATELS partners and members.