AI in Education – Online Training

AI is rapidly penetrating all spheres of the human life including education and different learning processes.

Considering the challenges imposed by new technologies in front of the formal and traditional education as well as a necessity for the teachers of all educational levels to be ready for the innovations and able to pace up with the technological and educational transformations, we would like to extend this opportunity to register for the course Artificial Intelligence in Education for all those who are interested in this topic.

Who is This Training For?

  • Teachers of schools and universities;
  • Researchers,
  • Pre-service teachers,
  • School administration,
  • Educational content developers,
  • Educators
  • All those who are interested in the topic of AI and its implementation in education.

Aims of the Course

  1. Overview the tendencies of AI development and implementation in education;
  2. Shed the light on the educational theories concerning the implementation of AI in education;
  3. Highlight the main educational spheres and processes which entail AI usage;
  4. Analyse ethical principles and international practices concerning ethics of using AI in learning and education;
  5. Overview main educational spheres of implementing AI (e.g. teaching strategies, learning, training, evaluation, skill development, language learning, etc);
  6. “From Enemy to Friend” – analysing AI benefits and ways of using new AI tools to facilitate teaching and learning;
  7. Learn how to manage AI tools in teaching and learning for the students of different ages;
  8. Develop practical skills of using AI for teaching (e.g. language teaching, social studies, science, etc).

Mode of Participation and Course Duration

This is an online training program of 36 hours of synchronous teaching.

The registered participants will join lectures and practical classes of the course 2 times a week.

Methods of Teaching and Learning

This is an online training program of interactive lectures, practical classes and discussions.

The course participants will join the classes via ZOOM and also will have an access to the course online platform with the course main and supplementary materials.

By the end of the course, the participants are expected to finalise two projects.

One of them is a group project and another one is on the topic of the participant’s special interest which is connected to one or several course subtopics.

Training Coordinators

Prof. Piet Kommers (University of Twente, Netherlands)

Piet Kommers is Professor of UNESCO Learning Technologies and built his career as researcher in cognitive and social support for communication and education. Since 1982 he developed educational technology as an engineering approach for learning and teaching. He taught more than fifteen bachelor-, master- and PhD courses and supervised more than 30 PhD students.
He instigated and coordinated the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cognitive Technologies in
1990 and a large series of Joint European Research Projects in: authoring multimedia, web-based
learning, teacher education, virtual 3d worlds, constructivist learning, social media, web-based
communities and international student exchange.

Prof. Dr. Iryna Sekret (STARTINFORUM International, Turkey)

Prof. Dr. Iryna Sekret (PhD in Educational Psychology and Foreign Language Education, Professor in Education Studies) is Chair of the Board in STARTINFORUM International Project Management and Business Consultancy Company (Turkey), Committee Chair of IATELS, Director of English IATELS International English Academy. During her professional life, she has been teaching and conducting research within foreign languages, translation and language studies, educational and organisational psychology, ICT in education and online learning in different universities of Ukraine, Turkey, India and other countries for more than fifteen years. She has a wide organisational and administrative experience, gained while heading the university departments and other administrative units, coordinating international educational and research projects. With more than ten years of experience in e-learning, she has been conducting research in MOOCs, ICT in Education, Online Pedagogy and Teaching English. Her research and educational interests are in FLT methodology, educational and organisational psychology, e-learning, translation, education.

Prof. Dr. Erdinç Çakıroğlu  (TED University, Turkey)

After receiving his doctorate degree from Indiana University in 2000, Erdinç Çakıroğlu worked as a faculty member at Middle East Technical University (METU). He was the founding president of the Center for STEM Education at METU. He has been working at TED University since 2023. He took part in teacher training and professional development programs at national and international levels. He carried out various national and international projects for the development of research-based innovative curricula. His research and interests include instructional design for primary and secondary school mathematics, STEM education, and educational design research.

Dr. Tomayess Issa (Curtin University, Australia)

Dr. Tomayess is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Law at Curtin University, Australia. She conducts research locally and globally in human-computer interaction, usability, sustainability, sustainable design, green IT, social networking, cloud computing, and teaching and learning.

Tomayess authored several books with a high-ranking publisher about sustainable design, sustainability, and information systems. She published her work in high-ranking peer-reviewed journals, books, book chapters, papers, and research reports; and she participated in local and global conferences. She supervised PhD, Master of Phil, and Master Dissertations. Tomayess received the 2021 Green Gown Awards Australasia: Next Generation Learning and Skills, Highly Commended to the Green Information Technology and Sustainability Unit. Tomayess received the Research Supervisor Award 2022 from the Curtin Guild Excellence in Teaching Awards.


Please feel out the form below to make a pre-registration for the course.

Our managers will contact you with more information to compete registration and get enrolled into the course.

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